Our Services

Chiropractic services focus on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal issues, particularly those related to the spine.

At Tom Daffy Chiropractic we provide a range of services that are specifically tailored to you and your needs. These can include:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments

  • Soft tissue massage

  • Dry Needling

  • Cupping

  • Exercise and rehab advice

Initial Consultation


Your first appointment at Tom Daffy Chiropractic.

Your initial appointment includes a comprehensive health history review and physical examination to assess your spine and overall wellness.

Based on the findings, we'll discuss your treatment plan, which may include adjustments, exercises, and lifestyle recommendations.

Standard Consultation


For existing patients of Tom Daffy Chiropractic.

Your standard consultation includes re-examination of previous issues, monitoring of progress and continuation of your chiropractic treatment plan that was outlined in your initial consultation.

May include further testing and examination of new injuries if necessary.

Extended Consultation


For when you need a little bit of extra TLC.

Your extended consultation will be similar to a standard consultation, with re-examination of previous problems and monitoring of progress.

More time is allocated for your treatment plan, which may include adjustments, exercises, and lifestyle recommendations.